There has been a lot of people complaining that their Apex Legends is not loading on their computer. This is probably one of the must frustrating issue for Apex Legends players — this makes their game unplayable. If you happen to be one of them, don’t fret! We’ve got some effective fixes for this issue here for you. Check them out below and see if any of them can help you fix your Apex Legends not loading problem.
Reset your Windows network settings
You can fix your Apex Legends not loading issue by flushing your DNS cache and releasing and renewing your computer IP address. To do that:
Step 1: Press and the Win and R keys on your keyboard to launch the Run box.
Step 2: Type “cmd” and press Ctrl, Shift and Enter on your keyboard. This will run Command Prompt as Adminstrator.

Step 3:
In Command Prompt, enter the following commands:
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /registerdns
Step 4: Close the window and restart your computer. Then test your Apex Legends not loading issue.
Restart your computer and router/modem
There may be temporary issues with your router/modem so your Apex Legends takes forever to load. To fix them, you need to restart these devices.
Step 1: Turn off your device.
Step 2: Turn off your router and modem and disconnect them from the power source.
Step 3: Leave them for several minutes.
Step 4: Reconnect all these devices to power, and turn them back on.
Step 5: Launch your Apex Legends and test your Apex Legends not loading issue.
Try a different network connection method
Your Apex Legends not loading issue may occur because the network you’re connecting to is not working properly. You may need to connect in a different way:
Step 1: If you’re using a wired connection, try connecting to your network wirelessly, or vice versa. Then test your issue.
Step 2: Or try turning on the mobile hotspot feature on your smart phone, and connect your computer to that network.

Once you’ve done any of them, test to see if this resolves your Apex Legends not loading problem.
Check your DNS settings
You’re probably using the incorrect DNS settings so you see the Apex Legends not loading problem. To fix them:
Step 1: Press the Win and R keys on your keyboard at the same time to launch the Run dialog.
Step 2: Type “ncpa.cpl” and press Enter on your keyboard.

Step 3: Right click your network connection (“Ethernet” for wired connection, and “Wi-Fi” for wireless), and select Properties.

Step 4: Double click Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4).

Step 5: Make sure Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically are selected, then click OK. (If they already are then skip this step and go to step 7.)

Step 6: Check if this fixes your error. If not move on to the step below.
Step 7: Select Use the following DNS server addresses, then set the server addresses to the Google public DNS server addresses ( /

Step 8: Click OK.
Now test to see if this fixes your Apex Legends not loading issue.
Use a VPN
Your Apex Legends not loading issue may result from some interruptions to your Apex Legends connection. And connecting through a VPN can help you get around them.
In fact, using a VPN can not only bypass Internet blockage, it can also help you maintain a good connection to your Apex Legends servers, so you may experience less connection issues.
Setting up a VPN usually requires some time and computer skills. If you want an easier option, you should try a VPN service. And we recommend using NordVPN.
NordVPN is an easy-to-use and fast VPN service. You’ll be able to set up a VPN connection with just a few mouse-clicks. And its fast speed servers at multiple locations offers you a comfortable and reliable experience.
To use NordVPN on your computer:
Step 1: Download and install NordVPN on your computer.
Step 2: Run NordVPN and sign in your account.
Step 3: Click the Connect switch. This will automatically connect you to the VPN server recommended for your device.

Now your VPN connection is set up, and you can see if this works to fix your Apex Legends not loading issue.
We hope that the solutions above have helped you fix your Apex Legends not loading issue. If you have any questions or suggestions about them, feel free to leave a comment below!