State of Survival is a mobile zombie apocalypse strategy survival game. The following are the redeem codes collected for you to redeem awards in this game.
Available codes
- SOSNiko: Rewards for new players
- Solidvideosos: Rewards for new players
Expired codes
- LeagueChampions: Redeem this code and get x300 Biocaps, x1 Advanced Search Map, x10 1K Metal, x20 1K Food, x20 1K Wood
- Nikitunsos: Redeem this code and get the reward (For New Players)
- bartgametvsos: Redeem this code and get the reward (For New Players)
- Shimoroshowsos: Redeem this code and get the reward (For New Players)
- Poleznyibessos: Redeem this code and get the reward (For New Players)
- maslenica2021: Redeem this code and get x500 Biocaps, x1000 1K Food, x1000 1K Wood, x1 Epic Search Map
- NikoSoS: Redeem this code and get the reward
- sos1234: Redeem this code and get x500 Biocap, x1 Epic Search Map, x5 Rusty Fragment, x100 1k Gas, x100 1K Metal, x300 1K Food, x300 1k Wood (Only for New Players)
- SOSWDay: Redeem this code and get the reward
- Sos999: Redeem this code and get x1K Biocap, x2 Epic Search Map, x100 200 Chief EXP, x10 Rusty Fragments, x300 1K Metal, x300 1K Food, x300 1K Wood
- Sospring: Redeem this code and get x500 Biocaps, x1 Epic Search Map
- sos300: Redeem this code and get the reward
- sos200: Redeem this code and get the reward
- sos100: Redeem this code and get the reward
- Independence1: Redeem this code and get the reward (Limited redemption chances)
- sos23rd: Redeem this code and get x500 Biocaps, x12 5 Minutes Speed-Up
- Zodiacfrank: Redeem this code and get the reward
- ZodiacAnimal: Redeem this code and get the reward
- WAIR1SISII: Redeem this code and get x1 Cheif Gear Material Crate, x500 Biocaps, 5 Minutes Speed-Up
- valentines2021SOS: Redeem this code and get the reward
- 104sleepy: Redeem this code and get the reward (Limited redemption chances)
- xinchun1: Redeem this code and get the reward (Limited redemption chances)
- state69lives: Redeem this code and get the reward (Limited redemption chances)
- XXOOQQMMNN: Redeem this code and get the reward
- TODAYI918: Redeem this code and get the reward
- POQQSCSII0: Redeem this code and get the reward
- VK70K: Redeem this code and get the reward
- SOSDACH: Redeem this code and get the reward
- RUIG30K: Redeem this code and get x500 Biocaps, x12 5 Minutes Speed-Up
- Gorhappynewyear: Redeem this code and get x500 Biocaps, x1 Epic Search Map
- HAEMATOM: Redeem this code and get 2k Biocaps, Search Map, others (Only for new players)
- noahsos: Redeem this code and get x1k Biocaps, Search Map, Chief EXP (Limited redemption chances)
- Hello2021: Redeem this code and get x500 Biocaps, x12 5 Minutes Speed-Up (Valid until January 2nd, 2021)
- Samsung: Redeem this code and get x1k Biocaps, HQ Skin, Rusty Fragment, EXP Item
- byebye2020: Redeem this code and get x300 Biocaps, x10 5 Minutes Speed-Up (Valid until January 1st, 2021)
- countdown : Redeem this code and get the reward (Valid during December 30th ~ 31st, 2020)
- MerrySoSChristmas : Redeem this code and get the reward (Valid during December 24th ~ 25th, 2020)
- XmasReunion : Redeem this code and get x600 Biocaps, x1 Epic Search Map (Valid until December 24th, 2020)
- LuckySurvivor : Redeem this code and get x500 Biocaps
- collabxsos : Redeem this code and get the reward (Limited redemption chances)
- WILSON : Redeem this code and get the reward (Valid until December 22nd, 2020)
- LGIOSOS : Redeem this code and get x1k Biocaps and others (Limited redemption chances)
- Aesthetics : Redeem this code and get x400 Biocaps, x2 Epic Search Map
- tylerfrank : Redeem this code and get x400 Biocaps, Search Map
- baselalive : Redeem this code and get x300 Biocaps, 5 Minutes Speed-Up
- sssniperwolfsos : Redeem this code and get the reward (Limited redemption chances)
- marleysos : Redeem this code and get x2 1k Biocaps, x2 Search Map, x100 Chief EXP, x10 Rusty Fragments, x300 1k Metal, x300 1k Food, x300 1k Wood (Limited redemption chances)
- demolitionsos : Redeem this code and get Biocaps, Map Items, HQ Skin, Chief EXP, other rewards (Limited redemption chances)
- DECEMBER : Redeem this code and get the reward (Expires on December 3rd, 2020)
- prestupnik : Redeem this code and get 1k Biocaps
- Thanksgiving2020 : Redeem this code and get the reward
- VK60K : Redeem this code and get x500 Biocaps, x2 Advanced Search Map
- Friday13SOS : Redeem this code and get x500 Biocaps, x50 1k Wood, x12 5 Minute Speed-Ups (Limited redemption chances)
- stradmansos : Redeem this code and get x2 1k Biocaps, x2 Epic Search Map, x100 200 Chief EXP Pack, x10 Rusty Fragments, x300 1k Metal, x300 1k Food, x300 1k Wood, Limited-Time Fire Fury HQ Skin (Limited redemption chances)
- realityskewedgamers : Redeem this code and get 1k Biocaps, x12 5 Minute Speed-Ups
- edinstvo : Redeem this code and get 1k Biocaps, x2 Search Map
- Happyhalloween2020 : Redeem this code and get the rewards (Expires on November 3rd, 2020)
- soscollab : Redeem this code and get x500 Biocaps, x12 Speed-Up, Search Map (Limited redemption chances)
- soswacken : Redeem this code and get 500 Biocaps, etc (Limited redemption chances)
- philsos : Redeem this code and get x2 1k Biocaps, Search Maps, other rewards (New players only)
- SoSHaematom : Redeem this code and get 500 Biocaps and 2 Search Maps (New players only)
- HAEMATOM : Redeem this code and get the rewards (New players only)
- lspstream : Redeem this code and get the rewards (Limited redemption chances)
- woahaematomsos : Redeem this code and get the rewards (Limited redemption chances)
- vlfrgaming2 : Redeem this code and get the rewards (Limited redemption chances)
- halloween : Redeem this code and get the rewards
- jschlattsos : Redeem this code and get the rewards
- morejstusos : Redeem this code and get the rewards
- Anniversaryhero : Redeem this code and get the rewards
- Munchie : Redeem this code and get the rewards (Limited redemption chances, may not work for old players)
- State69 : Redeem this code and get the rewards (Limited redemption chances, may not work for old players)
- mattinsos : Redeem this code and get the rewards
- piwansos : Redeem this code and get the rewards
- Geburtstag : Redeem this code and get 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map
- Together : Redeem this code and get 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map
- StateofSurvival : Redeem this code and get 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map
- AllesGute : Redeem this code and get 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map
- Happybirthday : Redeem this code and get 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map
- joyeuxanniversaire : Redeem this code and get 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map
- POZDRAVLYAEM : Redeem this code and get 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map
- 1STYEARPARTY : Redeem this code and get 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map
- ILOVESOS : Redeem this code and get 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map
- IGMASK : Redeem this code and get 500 Biocaps and 2 Advanced Search Maps
- Thankyou : Redeem this code and get 300 Biocaps
- Happy4thjuly : Redeem this code and get 300 Biocaps
- environment : Redeem this code and get 300 Biocaps and 2 Advanced Search Maps
- Sunday : Redeem this code and get 300 Biocaps
- Profession : Redeem this code and get 250 Biocaps
- HOFFNUNG : Redeem this code and get 30x 1-minute Speed Ups, 400 Biocaps, and 2 Search Maps
- character : Redeem this code and get 300 Biocaps
- Hypothesize : Redeem this code and get 300 Biocaps
- definition : Redeem this code and get 300 Biocaps
- attractive : Redeem this code and get 300 Biocaps
- intensify : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- sandwich : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- method : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- code : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- mathematics : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- freedom : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- soscommunity : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- Discovery : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- Starb : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- Foundation : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- vatertag : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- Direction : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- Starscape : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- Carnation : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- Pobeda : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- SDSD0509 : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- Labourday : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- Tmcvenom : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- prinz : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- ryrie : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- madamn : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- wakanda : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- Maria : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- Buunja : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- Nikkinikki : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- STRASCAPE : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- ARENAWAR : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- FRIDAY13 : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- SBC3DFEA974A : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others
- Settlement : Redeem this code and get Biocaps and Others